J Urol. 2009 Aug 17; Ferro F, Vallasciani S, Borsellino A, Atzori P, Martini LPURPOSE: We report our retrospective, nonrandomized, single center experience with modified tubularized incised urethral plate repair, consisting of grafting the incised urethral plate before tubularization, as first introduced 10 years ago. Indications, technical points and results are described. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1997 to 2007 at our unit 1,095 cases of hypospadias were treated, including 75% primary and 25% repeat cases. Of primary cases 18 (8%) of those suitable for tubularized incised urethral plate were instead selected for a grafted tubularized incised urethral plate. All 18 patients were characterized anatomically by a small glans, a flat urethral groove and a long spongiosum defect. Of repeat cases 83 were suitable for a tubularized incised urethral plate, of which 44 (53%) were selected for the modified procedure. Grafted tubularized incised urethral plate surgery consisted of an extended longitudinal incision of the urethral plate distal beyond the neomeatal line associated with scar excision in repeat cases. The resulting urethral plate defect was then lined with a graft. RESULTS: Mean followup was 36 months (range 4 to 122). Complications were noted in 8 repeat cases (13% overall), representing 18% of this subgroup. CONCLUSIONS: Case selection is a crucial factor that influences the quality of tubularized incised urethral plate results. However, in most repeat cases scarring may lead to an increased complication rate after tubularized incised urethral plate surgery. The grafted modification has the advantage of extending indications for the tubularized incised urethral plate to cases in which another surgical procedure would be necessary. To our knowledge we present the first series of primary and repeat cases.